Monday, February 8, 2010

Better than yesterday

For the past few weeks now I have slacked off on walking but I continued to lose weight. As off this morning I've lost 15 pounds total!!

It feels wonderful! I am really proud of myself. But it is time to step it up. Stop procrastinating and finding excuses. The past week has sucked for me emotionally and physically and I am sick of it.

I want to feel good about myself again. I want to be proud of myself again. And that starts today.

I joined a gym. It's just down the street so I can walk there and it is clean and modern and only $30 a month with no membership fees or contracts and I can pay month to month. It also offers yoga, tai-bo, and kick boxing classes for only $5 more.

Today will be my first day going there and I am really looking forward to it.

My new motto is "I'm worth it!" so I also broke down and bought a few new clothes. Nothing special...Wal-mart and Fashion Bug...a few nicer t-shirts. But that is still so much more than I've allowed myself to get in a long time. I just wasn't worth spending the money on before.

But I am sick of walking around in rags because that is all I felt I was worth. I do deserve to feel nice and look nice, even overweight. And that is something I never believed before.

"The Biggest Loser" tv show has been a great inspiration to me over the last month or so. I have totally fallen in love with Jillian and Bob. I would give anything for either one of them to be my trainers. So I was really happy to find "The Biggest Loser Workout" with Jillian on DVD the other day! It was only 10 bucks so I grabbed it.

Today will be a good day. I'm sure of it. I will make sure of it!


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